Whole-Person Education
Fine Arts


Angelaires is open by annual audition to singers desiring to become better musicians through the advanced musical study of showtunes, vocal jazz, and popular standards. This select ensemble performs at the annual Angelaire Christmas show and Spring Cabaret, and the Angelaires also participate in performances outside of DSHA during the school year. Concurrent membership in Camerata Singers is required for at least one semester during each year of Angelaire membership. The course fee covers music, portfolio, and group fees.

2025-2026 Angelaires Auditions

Auditions will be held Wednesday, April 16 after school.

Audition requirements:
  • Sing 32 measures (about one minute) from a song that showcases your voice; this song should be from contemporary Broadway, pop/jazz/rock radio; please bring your own sheet music.
  • Perform the audition dance; this dance will be taught during Dasher Time on Monday, April 7; Tuesday, April 8; Thursday, April 10;
    • A video of the dance will be posted here on Monday, April 7
This ensemble rehearses 9th hour (3:15-4:00) Monday through Friday. Students involved in sports can definitely be in the Angelaires. Prior years have seen students compete in field hockey, ice hockey, rugby, track and field, gymnastics, dance team, and softball.  
Please reach out to Director of Theater, Choir, & Liturgical Music Zach Ziegler with questions.

Fall 2024 Concert


List of 1 items.

Meetings and Requirements

  • Angelaires meet from 3:15-4 p.m. daily for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of the school year. Additional workshops and rehearsals are scheduled throughout the year.
  • $10 fee

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior
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