
Safe Environment Week 2025

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safeguarding All of God’s Family Safe Environment Week - Proclamation WHEREAS, Safe Environment Week is for every parish and school, as well as the entire faith community to focus, at the same time, on the importance of keeping our children and youth safe; WHEREAS, child abuse and neglect are societal problems whose prevention depend on involvement among people throughout the faith community; WHEREAS, our children are our most valuable resources and will shape the future of not only the Archdiocese of Milwaukee but also the entire Church; WHEREAS, the theme for this years’ Safe Environment Week will be “Working Together Towards Recognizing Abuse to Build Safe Communities.” WHEREAS, acknowledging that as a Church we have much work to do to rebuild the trust that has been broken; WHEREAS, we acknowledge that as bishops, clergy and church leaders we must work together as a community to increase awareness about child abuse and neglect and work to promote the social and emotional well-being of children, youth and families in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment; THEREFORE, I, Archbishop Jeffrey S. Grob proclaim the week of March 30th– April 6th, 2025, as Safe Environment Week in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. I ask that all participate and acknowledge each other with the love and mercy of God the Father. Most Reverend Jeffrey S. Grob Archbishop of Milwaukee

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior
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