Molly Monday Schmidt, DSHA '88 | Fall Semester 2024 of The Word Magazine
Alumna Molly Monday Schmidt, DSHA ’88, has financially given back to DSHA since her freshman year of college. In fact, since her own DSHA graduation, she has stayed closely connected to the school and sisterhood in numerous ways. She has served as her class representative since 1988, planned numerous class reunions, helped chair the Alumnae Father Daughter Dinner Dance, acted as President of the Alumnae Association, sat on the Alumnae Board, and more. As a legacy student herself, Schmidt’s mother, Kathy Mehegan Monday, DS ’61, instilled a love for all-girls education and DSHA early. Her close Dasher friends and former classmates often joke that Schmidt’s favorite color is “plaid” given how much she loves, admires, and supports DSHA and the all-girls environment. She also credits DSHA for a profound faith and currently serves as Director of Parishioner Engagement at St. Dominic Catholic Parish in Brookfield.
Q: How would you describe your experience as a student at DSHA?
A: I loved it. I was voted “Most Spirited” of the class. The social aspect and the sisterhood of the school is where I thrived. I was involved in most everything and felt like I was always doing something. I was the Freshman Secretary/Treasurer, Senior Homeroom President, played softball all four years, played basketball for two, was a photographer for the the yearbook club, and more. I’m the only girl in my family and was raised with two brothers, so the sisterhood here and getting involved in that was really important to me. I was the first ever Penny the Penguin! An alumna made the costume, and I wore it for the first time to the 1986 Volleyball State Championship in which DSHA took home the trophy.
Q: How did the all-girls environment impact you? Why is an all-girls environment important?A: The environment allows young women to thrive. I was comfortable and confident voicing my thoughts and opinions both inside and outside of the classroom. It gave me, and other girls, opportunities that we might not have had at other schools due to each of the leadership positions being accessible to us. Every leadership position was held by one of us, and that visual is powerful.
Q: What were the most important skills you learned at DSHA that you still use today?
A: My strong communication skills and my confidence. I’m comfortable speaking up in meetings and speaking my mind. I have leaned on and used both skills throughout my career. DSHA also helped enhance my faith life. I was always devoutly Catholic and went to St. Dominic for grade school, but DSHA reminded me how much I loved having faith as part of the school day and being actively present in the classroom. Just recently, I attended a retreat for Catholic women with five other alumnae. It was at DSHA that my real faith journey began, and it continues to grow today with the help of my Dasher sisters.
Q: As an alumna, why do you think it is important to give back to DSHA?
A: My parents really emphasized the importance of giving back with time, talent, and treasure. My mother graduated from Divine Savior in the 60s and gave back to the school regularly. Their influence, combined with the fact that DSHA made up so much of who I am today, made it easy for me to want to give back when the time came. I also give back to make sure DSHA remains accessible to other young women in Milwaukee. I want them to gain the same positive experiences and growth that I had going to school here. I really have a passion for this place, and feel that it made me into a strong, confident, faith-filled person. I made such great friends here, friends I still have to this day, and I think the community is so special and want to give back to that.
Q: You’ve been involved in planning a number of reunions, as well as other alumnae events, why do you choose to do this and stay involved this way?
A: The sisterhood is what I love and what keeps bringing me back. I try to stay connected to each of my classmates, and my close friends often refer to me as the “DSHA Historian” for my efforts. This school is where I learned to be a loyal and good friend, and I love being part of these events.
Q: What resonates with you about the mission of DSHA?
A: Creating young women of
faith, heart, and intellect is so important. I feel like those three words, especially faith and heart, make me the person I am today.
Q: What impresses you the most about DSHA today?A: The reputation. I’m proud to say that I went here and I’m proud to be an alumna. Additionally, the community here, the sisterhood, and the volunteerism is amazing. It’s also impressive to see
the list of schools that girls are going to these days upon graduation, and how many of them are going all over the place, including Europe!
Q: What are your hopes for DSHA in the future?
A: I hope DSHA continues to be a pillar in the Milwaukee community. I hope it continues to give girls the opportunities to be the best they can be and achieve whatever they wish. Ultimately, I hope DSHA continues to produce strong female leaders in the community who love Jesus Christ and remain faith-filled.