Alumnae Mass | Alumnae Weekend 2024


You and your families are invited to join DSHA in celebrating Mass in the Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theater. Mass begins at 10:30 a.m.

All alumnae and families are invited to attend. The DSHA class of 1974 will be sharing in their first Mass as Jubilarians. Those who have passed away from the class of 1974 will be remembered and honored in the White Rose Ceremony. 

This year we are collecting peanut butter and squeezable jelly to make sandwiches for Repairers of the Breach and the Guest House of Milwaukee  as part of an Alumnae Weekend Service Project. Please feel free to bring items or cash to donate to the cause!

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  • Danielle Jerominski Rabe, DSHA '08

    Alumnae Director

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior
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